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Green Links!

Green Man's Trustworthy web links - JUST FOR YOU!

...links to websites with high quality, reliable information about Green Livin' and planet Earth!!!

The following websites have received the Green Man Seal Of EcoApproval for the quality and breadth of eco-information they provide. To earn the seal, sites must be objective, non-partisan, non-advocacy-oriented, and non-dumb, Green Man guarantees it!
Green Man is so glad you are here, because it means he can recommend the stellar Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE)!!! This super site is an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. It's a free, expert-reviewed collection of content contributed by scholars, professionals, educators, practitioners and other experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The content is presented in a style intended to be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public. Not just for smarty-pants, but they'll love it too!
Non-chalantly featuring a wide variety of home, garden and energy conservation information resources vetted and kept up-to-date by professionals whose #1 goal is to answer YOUR QUESTIONS! Especially your Burning Green Questions (BGQ's for short)! Every county has agents and a physical office, including yours! Call 'em up or stop on by! Really! (And! Big Bonus: for those of you not lucky enough to live in Montana, we have it on excellent authority that this is true in every state! OMGreenG!)
Not just for policy wonks anymore! This is probably Montana eco-nuts' best kept secret of all time. A wide array of excellent information related to all facets of sustainable living and resource conservation are found easily on this hands-on, how-to and who-to-talk-to oriented site... built by your fellow Montanans and paid for by your (and your fellow Montanans) excellent tax dollars! Put those dollars to work and check it out! Lots to explore, lots to read, do and see! Many internal and external links woven throughout the extensive website.
Hands down the most comprehensive, current and accurate source of nuts&bolts information about environment, sustainability and resource conservation, as well as a superb route to finding any additional information resources on the web (or elsewhere!) Its that good! Its Green Man good! No, its OMGreenG good!
Another great resource for those of you who like to mull stuff over a bit is Sustainable Communities Online (formerly known as Sustainable Communities Network) which was developed by a broad coalition of organizations around the United States in the mid-1990s. The intent is to pool information on sustainability to make it more readily accessible to the public. Attention students and teachers: you will find LOTS of great articles and references for further reading and study about LOTS of sustainability stuff! Go nuts!

Yes, it's TRUE!
Green Man would like to take a moment to point out that these websites do, indeed, all earn the Green Man Seal of EcoApproval for being objective, non-partisan, non-advocacy-oriented and, most importantly, non-dumb. Watch this pixel-point for the coming GMSEA logo! You'll love it!

Don't forget! Your best and most reliable resources for finding the answers to your Burning Green Questions (BGQ's for short) is to call/visit your county extension office and go to your local library! These folks are PROFESSIONALS at helping people find quality information amongst ALL the info that is out there these days! And if they don't know, they'll know who will or where they can go to find out! Really!